(Grandmother’s Favorite Dishcloths & A Random Striped Dishcloth in Lily Sugar & Cream Yarn)
Before little man was born I was rarely seen without knitting needles in my hands. Socks, sweaters (sometimes), dishcloths, scarves & baby hats were my never ending supply of sanity.
When little man came along my hands were regularly tied up with a little person. It was not exactly a safe situation to break out the size one double pointed needles, knitting took a backseat to my every day life.
As he got older, he wanted to know what I was doing if the knitting needles came out. Usually he would attempt to pull them out of my hands, resulting in very little knitting actually getting accomplished.
Now little man is a very independent two year old & he generally speaking doesn’t care too much when the needles come out. That is unless he is tired and ready for a mama snuggle. He likes to crawl up in my lap and interrupt the sock knitting, it is safe to say I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
The knitting these days is rare but while reading at night I’m able to sneak a few knit rows in. We needed some new dishcloths so I whipped up a few. It’s nothing fancy but it’s something. Someday I’ll get back to the never ending supply of yarn & my goal of getting through all of it. For now I’ll just take it one row at a time.