For 62 years my family owned and operated the Page Dairy. My dad was an avid collector of Page Dairy memorabilia for many many years. It was a large part of his life growing up and he was often the “model” for the various ads posted around town as a kid. My grandfather was the photographer for a number of the ads and my dad was often selected as the model when he was a kid.
We have a number of slides & prints of photos with my dad holding various types of Page Dairy memorabilia. Not too long ago the Toledo History Group shared an ad on Facebook and someone commented on how lucky the kid was to have a whole box of ice cream bars. It was fun to be able to comment that my dad was the lucky kid!
A few years ago, 6 months after my dad passed away, one of my aunts or uncle came across this picture of my dad. I honestly don’t remember who found it but they decided that I needed to have it. After we got home, I framed it and it sat in our basement. We didn’t have a ton of space to hang pictures & our walls were pretty cluttered as it was.
Finally finishing up organizing and cleaning my office, I got to hang my picture. It finally feels complete.