I’m a girl in her early twenties whose got a love of Photography, Knitting, and Social Media. This blog is going to be thoughts, comments on social media/technology, books, some of my photography, and knitting. It’s basically a little bit of everything.
The whole mindset between It’s Not Just Black and White is that a lot of times we see things at one end or the other of the spectrum. A lot of times there is little bits and pieces we can see in between. The photographer in me loves black and white photography and the beauty behind it yet the knitter in me will rarely ever knit something in just black or white. 😀
Since graduating college in 2007 with degrees in New Media Journalism and Theology I’ve grown to love and hate the technology world. The constant ups and downs and daily changes of technology and the way we use it has been most of my love and hate. I love researching and reading up on new technologies especially when it comes to social media such as Twitter, Facebook, and whatever new network comes next.
Graduating with a degree in New Media Journalism I feel like part of me wishes I graduated three or four years later. Facebook came to Valparaiso University when I was a freshman… The social media aspect of the world today fascinates me and would be awesome to study. That’s kind of where that portion of this blog will head… what new things pop up and what the hottest topics are on the social media networks.
The knitter in me will be sharing finished knitting projects, knitting drama, knitting pattern reviews, and a variety of other things. I dye yarns at The Knitted Geek Yarns and from time to time may post discounts and deals here.
I’m learning for the first time to shoot photography manually with a digital camera. My grandpa was a photographer as one of his main hobbies and I’ve spent time in the past playing around with his lenses, but it’s all been with film. I’ve shot an engagement session and a wedding as a second shooter with Cat Hoffman Photography and I’m continuing to learn and looking to do more! I also am doing some photographs for Perpetual Motion Sports. Here I’ll talk about my learning experience with my camera.
I may throw some book reviews from all of these topics in as well.
If you want to view only certain topics please use the category links to your right. Those will help you narrow down your search as this is a blog of everything I spend my days filled with.
Most posts won’t be this long, but I thought it would be good to throw an introduction up here before I jump into a wide variety of topics that don’t interact all that much…