Somehow I felt like I would never get to 20 weeks pregnant….suddenly I’m 35 weeks pregnant and have approximately 5 weeks left before little man number two makes his appearance. Insert panic moment here.
In a way I feel like he will be here early but at the same time I’m completely okay with him hanging in until his due date. Actually, ask me again in September how I feel about that. There are so many ways that this pregnancy has been completely different than how things went with Little Man. To be fair, Little Man was born in February. As I have discovered, being pregnant in the summer vs. being pregnant in the winter is a completely different ball game.

Pregnancy Differences
At 35 weeks pregnant, I feel like it is safe to at least start comparing how different things have been.
When I was pregnant with Little Man I didn’t care about healthy food. I craved Eggo waffles and and fruit smoothies and was totally content to eat those two things for most of my third trimester. There was no balance, there was cravings and I gave into them. I gained the weight they told me to and then worked my butt off (a year later) to drop the weight plus more.
This time around I’ve gone through a lot of changes in terms of how I view food. Overall I was eating a lot healthier and made some what of an attempt to carry that into pregnancy. Then again, it helps that I’m craving all sorts of fruit. Ironically the weight gain has been MUCH harder to control this time. Mix in the summer heat, swelling, etc. This pregnancy became a game of balance.
35 Weeks Pregnant – The Downsides
I think part of me is refusing to believe that there are only 5(ish) weeks left, then another part of me is in full panic mode. Things are ready (if they needed to be) and everything would be fine if he came early, but for now I’m hoping he stays in there until his due date…or close to it.
Little Thing Driving Me The Most Crazy: I cannot wash my hands without getting a line of water across my stomach from the edge of the sink. Stupid, I know but I feel like I have a line there all day long.
Biggest Struggle: To be honest, I have two.
One: I’m a pretty active person. Sitting still isn’t my thing and sitting still inside is even less of my thing. This heat/humidity this summer has hit me hard. I had to find a balance of what was too much and what was not enough activity. Mix in the fact that my energy levels have tanked and it’s been a really big struggle.
Two: Sort of coming off of the energy levels is the balance I’ve had to find with food and water, 100 Grams of protein and 128oz of water a day. Meat doesn’t sound good. It hasn’t since mid-January and I have definitely felt the affects of not having it. I got lectured pretty hardcore by one of the doctors in my practice about not eating enough protein. I’ve found a balance and it’s working but there are days where I just can’t make it happen. The water on the other hand, I’ve only missed one day in the last two months.
5(ish) Weeks To Go – The Good
With things being so different this time around I feel like I am constantly comparing Little Man to his little brother. In reality I can’t wait to see how DIFFERENT their personalities are.
Biggest Craving: Watermelon. Seriously, I can’t stop. I’m pretty sure I’ve had at least a watermelon a week over the summer and I have ZERO regrets. I’ve also been enjoying as many smoothies as possible, including making a smoothie out of a fruit salad.
Favorite Outfit: It’s a toss up between my tank top (with capris leggings) and maxi dress from PinkBlush Maternity. I would’ve never spent the money on them without a gift card but they were both 100% worth the purchase.
Favorite Nursery Purchase: I’m not going to lie, I fell down the rabbit hole that is Etsy this weekend. I don’t have a favorite but have you seen the number of Dr. Seuss things available on Etsy?
Things I’m Most Excited For: First of all I can’t wait to meet the baby and see his personality outside of his incredibly hyper moments he’s had so far. Second, I can’t wait to see him and Little Man together. Little Man is starting to ask a lot of questions about “his baby” and if he is coming yet. While I don’t think he realizes how much life will change, he’s pretty excited…for now.
How is your week going?
If you’ve had multiple pregnancies, were they completely different?
Lol I never thought of that with washing hands before
Emily recently posted…Lazy Mornings
Oh my gosh it drives me crazy!!! I don’t remember this problem before but EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Congrats! You look great! 🙂 Almost there!! I just hit 20 weeks and I too felt like it took forever to get there!
Jackie recently posted…IT’S A …. Gender Reveal Party!
Aww Congrats!!!! It’s amazing how slow it seems to go at times and how fast it goes through others!
You’re in the home stretch now! With my first, I was pregnant over the summer. Luckily, it was a relatively cool summer or I would have gone crazy. Protein was super hard for me to eat too. Meat was just not appealing, so I ate a lot of eggs, cheese, and even protein shakes. Love all the Dr. Seuss stuff on Etsy! We’re having the twins party with that theme this year!
Shann recently posted…August Goals with a July Update
Congrats and all the best pre and post baby. You look beautiful 🙂
You look so cute! I remember always getting water on my stomach too while pregnant, so you’re not alone there-haha