My Addiction To Facebook Food Videos

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I recently made a new discovery. I entered the world of Facebook food videos. You know what I’m talking about, videos from sites like My Cupcake Addiction, Tasty, Tastemade, HowDoesShe…. the list goes on and on. Suddenly I have well over 100 saved links on Facebook and most of them are somehow related to food. I even got my niece to sit and watch these videos with me one night…. for 45 minutes!

In this case, I won’t even blame the fact that I’m pregnant. I just love food and these all look pretty damn amazing. Out of the (probably 100) saved videos I have I have made two of them. The reality is I probably won’t make too many of them but it can’t hurt to watch them and drool right? Take a few minutes to join me, here are a few drool worthy Facebook food videos.

The Best Of Facebook Food Videos

Let’s break these down by category, shall we? I mean, you can’t mix a desert with a breakfast… or can you? 

Breakfast Food Videos – The BEST Meal of The Day

Crepes Four Ways – I mean, who doesn’t love crepes? These look easy and delicious!

Triple Chocolate Scone – I don’t know if this even needs a description? It just sounds amazing. 

Nutella Waffales – My two favorite types of food in one recipe. If you can’t find me today, I’ll be over here watching this video over and over drooling. 

Rainbow Bagels – This is one of those recipes that I’m scared to try but I REALLY want to. They seem so interesting and I’m a huge bagel fan. Does anyone want to make these with me? 

French Toast – Four Ways – I’m one who often can’t make french toast without screwing it up. This facebook food video makes it look pretty easy though. Don’t worry, they even have s’mores French Toast. 

Facebook Will Make Lunch & Dinner Decisions For You

Chicken Enchilada Crock Pot Soup – It is no secret that my favorite way to cook is in the crock pot. This looks incredibly easy and something that people who don’t even normally like soup might like. 

Vegan Mac & Cheese – I’m not vegan, but a friend of mine is. I ran across this and it actually looks pretty tasty, who would have thought? 

Chicken Bake – Four Ways – Chicken is one of our go to dinner options at least once a week. Thankfully this is giving me a few ideas on how to change it up. 

Crunchy Taco Cups – These look pretty easy and like a good way to switch up our weekly taco game. They might even make the cut of something I will try.

Can't decide what to make for dinner? Don't worry, Facebook has you covered! Share on X


Kid Friendly Food Videos

Homemade Gogurt – Little Man has started to become more and more interested in yogurt. While I haven’t actually tried this one yet I think it might actually make the cut of videos I will try and replicate. 

Sparkling Watermelon Sipper – This version is kid friendly but I’m sure there are a few ways you could easily make this non-kid friendly and even better…if you get where I’m going. 

Food Videos That Will Give You a Sugar Rush

Cinnamon Sugar Pretzel Bites – Why drag yourself to the mall for Auntie Annes when you can make your own at home?

S’mores Milkshake – If there is anything that gets me more excited for Summer, it is anything S’mores related. I found this video over the weekend and already can’t wait for my next grocery store trip to attempt to replicate it. 

Chocolate Raspberry Cups – Chocolate… Raspberry… Sounds like a good dessert to me!

S’Mores Pie – I don’t even need to give a description here… I just want it right now. 

Rainbow Surprise M&M Cake – Chalk this up to one that I can already tell you I will never attempt. I will watch this video 15 times in awe though. 

Cookies & Cream Puffs – These just look amazing. 

Birthday Ice Cream Cake – All you have to say is ice cream and cake… and I’m there. 

Candy Pinata Surprise Cupcakes – One thing My Cupcake Addiction does is make me think if I mimic her every move I’ll have some mad cake decorating skills. I still need to test this theory out. Oh, and these look like so much fun. 

Ice Cream Sandwiches Made From Random Ingredients – I might even have some of this stuff in our house! 

It's okay if you get a sugar rush just from watching these videos. Share on X

Do you ever get sucked down the rabbit hole of food videos? 
What are some of your favorites? 

Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links.

Comments (13)

  1. HAHAHA yes, so much time has been spent watching those videos! I have made a couple of recipes myself, and sometimes they just inspire me to dig up an old similar recipe I forgot about. Thanks for sharing all of those links!

    1. It is amazing how quickly you can get sucked into them isn’t it? I love that they’ve made you dig up similar recipes!

  2. I LOVE Facebook food videos. Just last night I sat and watched a bunch of them before going to bed! I’ve gotten many an awesome idea from there. Gnocchi mac and cheese? Yes please! 50 kinds of mug cake? Um, obviously!

    1. 50 kinds of mug cake? I’m sold! I probably would just watch that over and over again!

  3. There was this string of “mini” food videos that I got obsessed with when a coworker shared them!

    1. Mini Food videos sound so much fun! I could see how easy it would be to get obsessed with!

  4. Yes! I get sucked into watching these all the time. I love the ones that give simple food hacks…like how to make your own microwave popcorn. That’s probably the only one I’ve tried, but it totally works!
    Shann recently posted…Summer gift guideMy Profile

    1. ohhh I haven’t seen the make your own microwave popcorn before! I’ll have to look for that one!

  5. I had to comment on this post. I love these videos too, there is a cocktails guy called “tipsy bartender” love his videos too. I will go over your list and see which ones I have not watched yet. Very nice

    1. I love Tipsy Bartender! Another round of videos that I want to try everything…. but maybe not at once 🙂

    1. The videos seem to take the “Scary” out of some of the more complicated recipes out there. I need to try the crepes this weekend, they look so good!

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