While I typically am a morning person, I rely on coffee to make me an afternoon and evening person. It’s no secret I love my coffee. Take a look at my desk and you will quickly notice that I also love to collect coffee mugs. Some are memories from a great vacation, others are just funny coffee mugs that made me laugh. Don’t expect me to pick the most practical mug out there I tend to stick to the funny coffee mugs.
My wish list grows almost daily and I am constantly on the hunt for more coffee mugs. Many would consider it a problem, I consider it a good problem to have. Are you in need of a gift for a friend? Don’t worry, chances are at least one of these is relevant.
Funny Coffee Mugs That Are Borderline Office Appropriate
It might be a staple (and a mug I have yet to get my hands on) but I can’t get over the coffee mugs alluding to another drink such as this This might be Wine mug. I really need to add one of these to my collection.
They might be selling it for college graduates but I often feel this way 10 years after graduating college. Look at Me Adulting and Stuff pretty much describes my mental state at least once a week.
If your co-workers ever start questioning your sanity, just start walking around with this coffee mug. They’ll either think highly of you or make fun of you. Either way, coffee still thinks you are an expert at life.
Coffee Mugs Made for Mom Life
Another staple in the funny coffee mugs line is the reference to mommy and her swear words. Be honest, Every Great Mom Says the F Word probably applied to you as a mom at some point.
Sometimes you just have to make sure that no one messes with mom before she has had her coffee. Everyone should be good to go once she gets to the bottom of the first cup. Now breakfast can be served.
It’s also a staple funny coffee mug but every mom has the best super power there is. I don’t really think anyone would argue with you if you carried this mug around.
Just in case someone starts questioning your sanity, walk around with this mug and they will understand. It’s all about that #momlife.
Coffee Mugs That Made Me Laugh
When it comes to funny coffee mugs it doesn’t get much better than a heat sensitive coffee mug that has it’s own opinion of how your day is going. Iced coffee drinkers may beg to differ but we all know hot coffee this the best.
As much as I try and avoid politics here I can’t help but share one of my favorite funny coffee mugs that I picked up for my Sister-in-Law for her birthday. I mean, don’t you hate it when you wake up in the morning and Donald Trump is still president too?
Target typically tends to win over most people women’s hearts. There is no reason not to profess your romantic side with this mug dedicated to Target.
I loooove silly coffee mugs! My husband has started to get me one for different occasions so I need to invest in some kind of display! My favorite that I have been using lately is, “First I drink the coffee. Then I do the things.”
I think you do need some kind of display! They are so much fun.
I collect the Starbucks you are here mug, but I also made a rule I can only buy one per trip! Ha ha bab
HAHHAHA! So funny :)) my favorites are the target mug and the expert advice one :)))
YES! I love the target one! It makes me laugh.
These are cute! I have a couple favorite mugs that I am orettty much constantly rotating through.
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups recently posted…Weekend recap
haha my favorite is long romantic walks down Target, except my husband doesn’t think it is as romantic.
Bahhahaa, love these! I”m definitely more of a funny coffee mug person and not a traditional coffee mug person. Though, most important thing – above all – is SIZE!
Haha! These are so funny! I love “who are these little people and why do they keep asking me for breakfast” lol!
Kristin Cook recently posted…Why We Should Choose Happy Thoughts
hahaha This was such a great post. Top right is so my life!!!!!! We do collect mugs. Everytime we go on a special trip we pick up a really cool mug as a memento. It’s kind of our thing. All of our friends know us as “the mug people.” lol
I love these mugs!! So much fun. 🙂 I am growing my collection of everyday mugs, and need all of them I think!
Oh man, I talk to myself allll the time! Haha, I need that mug!
These were made for me! Coffee mugs are my favorite.
Aren’t they so much fun?