Mom life is the best life. It truly is. There are days where I feel on top of the world and there are days where it’s the exact opposite. It happens. Life happens. Somehow our busy summer has carried over into Fall. From Tball to Lularoe to birthday’s September has been eventful. I’m not complaining because it’s been fun but after dinner last night I had to sit in the kitchen and just laugh at myself. There was mom guilt and text messages to a friend full of mommy confessions.
It seemed like a good time to introduce a new series to the blog… appropriately named Mommy confessions.
Up First In Mommy Confessions… It’s Okay to Give In
When I was pregnant with Little Man I swore up and down he would have very limited iPad and TV time. We can all laugh now knowing how that one really went. With Baby B he is still a little young to understand TV or the iPad but we steer him away from it as much as possible.
This week he’s been waking up during my run time. Typically I’ll cut my runs short or do a different exercise but yesterday was day two in a row of having to really cut my run short. I remembered that I had an episode of Sesame Street on my iPad and I turned it on while he was in his bouncer away from the treadmill.
We now have an Elmo fan in the house.
It happens. He’ll be okay.
Sometimes You Just Have To Indulge
Typically I try and eat healthy. For the most part we try and serve fairly balanced meals as well to the boys. This isn’t always an every day thing and I’ll admit lately we’ve been lacking in the creative dinner department. They still get their vegetables and plenty of fruit on a daily basis though. Personally I have a huge sweet tooth so we keep most sweets out of the house, other than popsicles.
I’ve struggled to get back on track recently with my healthier eating. Meal planning has been lacking and actually shopping the weekend before has not been happening. My energy is down and I know that I need to get the healthy train going again.
A few weeks ago we had one of those weekends where it was ALL BIRTHDAY ALL WEEKEND. We had 4 different birthdays to celebrate over the course of three days. The celebrations started Friday and ended Sunday night. I told myself that I was going to stay away from all of the goodies.
The first two days I made it. There was pizza involved but it was minor compared to how it could’ve ended if I jumped on the cake. By Sunday night I couldn’t take it anymore. I made a giant ice cream sundae complete with a cupcake, m&ms, crunch & sprinkles.
Seriously, no regrets.
Baby Number 2 Mommy Confessions
Everyone always says you care less about the milestones for Baby Number 2. In some ways I can see how that is true, but at the same time I’ve been excited to celebrate as many of Baby B’s milestones as I was for Little Man.
There has been one difference.
I’m 100% OKAY if he doesn’t hit them on the same timeline or even a recommended timeline.
When it comes to walking Baby B has taken his time. Last week we finally had our first steps, just shy of 13 months old. He will walk a few steps here and there but for the most part he is a crawling machine.
He’ll get there.
I never thought we would see the day Little Man was potty trained and it happened…eventually.
Mommy Confessions Number 4… Cool Moms Listen To Kidsbop
Last week we rolled up to preschool with the speakers on full blast and the Kidsbop version of HandClap playing. I had Little Man dancing (with a batman mask on), Baby B singing along and smiles all around. Gone are the days of Pop2k. It’s all about Kidsbop now.
Our kids love music. We love that they love music.
There are days, I can’t take their music anymore.
One of the best purchases we made about a year and a half ago was a bluetooth speaker. Spotify premium, the speaker and a basement full of toys is one of Little Man’s favorite pastimes.
The best part… I don’t have to hear his playlist over and over again. Before we left for vacation we picked him up a cheap pair of bluetooth headphones.
Second best investment ever made.
So last night we had pancakes and peas for dinner.
True story.
When it comes “to go to meals” pancakes is always a good one for us. My husband had a late night at work and I failed miserably in the meal planning department this week (for the fourth week in a row). When we got home I offered up pancakes for dinner.
Mom guilt set in with the high amount of carbs and lack of anything healthy. I decided we needed a few veggies to go with our dinner. Little Man got to pick what vegetables he wanted. This week his favorite vegetable is peas.
So last night we had pancakes and peas for dinner.
Everyone ate their entire dinner, drank their milk and blasted out their dance moves to Kidsbop before bed.
What do you have to confess this week?
What is the most random dinner you’ve come up with lately?
We have our pick a can night. Which means find some leftovers in the refrigerator or heat up a can of something. They all survived just fine.
candy recently posted…Beef Tallow How to Render
I LOVE The pick a can idea! It happens, we all have those nights where cooking just isn’t happening!
Pick your battles and go into survival mom mode, right!? I love the pancakes and peas but I’m especially loving the dance party after dinner!!!
Absoltely! Picking your battles is a theme in our house!
The pancakes and peas confession is so funny and relatable! It’s tough to stay on top of meal planning some weeks! But you still ggot dinner on the table, so pancakes and peas count!
Hahaha thank you! Yes, sometimes we have to make it easy and pancakes is always a go to!
Loved this post!! Love some mama honesty!
I can personally relate to all of these, I love this idea. I believe it helps to keep all of us moms sane knowing we aren’t the only ones. 🙂
Confession this week: A whole back of Veggie Chips was consumed in one day. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Random dinner: I used to make out a meal plan and follow it to the T. Lately, I haven’t had much gumption for that! This week we through together “whatever you find in the fridge” night. I think my kids had some salami, a muffin, and salad. My youngest wanted a pickle too! Hopefully next week I’ll have it in me to start back up on my menu! 🙂
HAHAHAHA! I LOVE the veggie chips! It absoltely happens! I’m glad I’m not the only one just trying to get it all in this week!
Lol, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. That sundae looks amazing!
Emily @ Pizza & Pull-ups recently posted…Friday Favorites
My family and I would do this all the time growing up! I loved pancakes and theywould always throuw in a veggie lol
Ha! I love this series. So great and relatable. The mom guilt is terrible, but it is so nice to read about other moms doing stuff you would do. We will sometimes have ‘snack’ dinners which include cheese and crackers, applesauce, and whatever other snacks I can throw on a plate. Not my finest moments but hey, you do what you gotta do! Thanks for posting this. It is awesome.
Yes! I love sharing because I know I can’t be the only one just trying to get dinner on the table some nights. I LOVE the idea of snack dinners! So fun!
Yes to all of this! And Kidz Bop rules! ?