With all of my favorite TV shows back in full swing, I feel like there are days I can’t actually keep up with them all! Luckily I can go back and watch so many of them online. I got a few weeks behind with some of my favorite shows, such as Downton Abbey, but for the first time in weeks I feel caught up! Thanks to a not so eventful Superbowl this week’s TV schedule was a little bit lighter!
Note: My thoughts on each of these shows do contain spoilers so please be aware!
Downton Abbey

Now that I am 100% caught up on Downton Abbey, let’s discuss! Oh what a crazy season so far! I am glad to see that a lot of the story lines are starting to wrap up. At the same time with only a few episodes left I feel like there are a lot of new story lines beginning! Downton Abbey always knows how to get viewers hooked.
Robert’s Illness
I feel like this is the biggest topic of the show right now that affects most of the story lines. With him being sick and his incredibly graphic scene at dinner the other week, I was pretty convinced he was going to die this season. So far I’m grateful that he hasn’t!
Mary & Tom
Okay, technically their “relationship” does not qualify as part of Robert’s illness, but I do feel like his illness will bring them closer together. Since the first season after Cybil & Matthew died I’ve been rooting for Mary and Tom to get together. After Mary stopped being a snob about Tom’s rankings, the two have become good friends. He has been very cautious to watch out for her the last few episodes and I see more and more that she wants him to come along on her dates.
Will they finally end up together and run Downton?
The Hospital
For the first few episodes, I didn’t quite get the tie in to the hospital. After the last two episodes, it suddenly all makes sense. With Robert getting sick, the hospital situation has turned personal. With Cora and Granny going at it, this has made things a little bit more tense in the house. As usual though Granny doesn’t disappoint in her witty comebacks.
Lord Grantham: You can’t expect me to avoid talking to my wife
Granny: Why not? I know plenty of couples who haven’t spoken in years.
I think we will continue to see things play out with this and in the end they will all wind up on the same side, most of it thanks to everything that is happening with Robert.
For now, I’m going to go root for Mary and Tom!

Rattled is a new show that just started last week on TLC. For the last year and a half or so, I (along with thousands of other people) have been following the story of Ashley, Tyson & the Gardener Quadruplets. The girls are about a year old now, but they have faced a lot of complications. When I heard they had a TLC show I was so excited to watch.
First things first, I kind of want to skip through the other couples and just watch the quadruplets. Some of the other couples are okay, but some are driving me CRAZY. I pretty much skip through every part with Doug and Mars in it as he just seems completely out there…
I love watching the stories unfold for the most part though and am pretty hooked on this show. Episode two is up this week and the quads were born! Coming in just over a pound they were so incredibly tiny. I can’t wait to see more of their stories unfold.

Hello drama, or should I say goodbye drama? I won’t lie, I’m glad that all of the “villians” went home and Ben can finally get to know the girls who really have a chance. Peace out Olivia and Leah. For the record, I honestly didn’t even know who Leah was until this week. Anyone else? How do girls honestly think they have a chance by throwing other girls under the bus? Men don’t go for that!
Lauren B is my favorite and I would love to see her and Ben end up engaged! She is so cute and you can tell they’ve had a connection from the start. Their first date was adorable and I really would like to see her go to the end. Jojo is also one I could see Ben taking to the end as they also have a strong connection.
I’ll be honest, watching the whole two on one date play out I feel like Ben was involved in the planning of it. He claims it was awkward but I also feel like it all happened because of the way things played out at the end of last week with Olivia. The producers knew it would be good drama and Ben knew that he wanted Olivia gone. See ya in Paradise Olivia!
I feel like he is still building relationships with the other girls. This is the bachelor though, usually the unexpected happens. According to the trailer Ben digs himself a pretty deep hole. As much as I don’t want the season to end, I can’t wait to see it all play out.
Fuller House
Speaking of TV Shows that I love and trailers that go with them… Has anyone else seen the full trailer for Fuller House? I’m so in love and it hasn’t even started. I seriously can’t wait to binge watch it all when it comes out! The Tanner family is back and in the original house. Anyone else counting the days?
What is your favorite TV Show right now?
Do you think Robert will be killed off on Downton Abbey? How do you feel about Mary and Tom?
Who is your favorite on the Bachelor?
Downtown Abbey can’t miss this show.
Yes! It is a must each week!
Pretty Little Liars is my favorite show that is currently on air but since I’ve been to two tapings of Fuller House I can confirm it will be my favorite once the full season is released.
michelle recently posted…The Mission Inn
Ohhh I’m so excited to hear that! I haven’t gotten into Pretty Little Liars but a few of my friends have recommended it. I’ll have to check it out!
I have to admit that I clicked on this post because you were going to talk about The Bachelor! lol. This season has been nuts! I had no idea Leah was so catty but maybe that’s because she didn’t get any camera time until last week! The preview for the rest of the season has some major drama! Lauren B is cute, but for some reason she’s not my favorite. I really like Jo Jo, and I’m in a Bachelor Fantasy League where my only remaining pick is Amanda so I’m hoping for one of those. I also can’t wait to see Fuller House!
I love Amanda too! While I don’t feel like in the end she will be the one Ben picks, she is so adorable. I would be all for her being the next Bachelorette!
I skipped past your Downton Abbey since I am not caught up and have to savor the last season. Then I will re-watch it all so many times I am sure. Ha! But- Bachelor. Yes, so glad Olivia went home. It encourages me that he didn’t just keep her around “for the drama” sometimes it’s painfully obvious that they have to keep certain girls or at least thats how I rationalized their decisions. But Ben has thrown it all out the window. And I just have to say he is a dreamboat! I mean that in that he seems so freaking genuine, he’s interesting and he’s REALLY nice. I told my husband haha he agrees! 😉 Can’t wait to see what happens and can’t wait for Fuller house!
Ben reminds me a lot of Sean Lowe’s season. He is really there to find his wife where as some of the other’s in the past seem to come off as just there for the fame. I can’t wait to see how this season plays out now that the drama queens are gone!