Is it possible to have “too much Easter?” In our house it sure felt like it by 7:00 last night! Our weekend ended with three Easter egg hunts, lots of outside time and a very tired toddler.

For the first year ever I got to play Easter Bunny. Little Man is still a little too young to truly understand the Easter Bunny but he came home last week telling me that the Easter Bunny was coming. I decided to hit up Kohls and Walgreens and stock him up a bit. I was looking for a book that explained Easter but didn’t really come across one at Kohls and ran out of time to get to the bookstore.
He was in need of new shoes and socks, I was looking for Easter stuff, it was a win-win situation. Little Man did get lucky and got an egg full of jelly beans, some little Cadbury eggs and a few other little treats in his Easter basket too. I later realized the last thing I needed to give him was candy, his Easter Egg hunts took care of that!
After an organized Easter Egg Hunt near our house Saturday he came home with 4 eggs. Since little man is just over two years old he doesn’t quite get the concept of finding eggs. After the hunt, where he wanted to pick up and fix the broke ones, he realized that there was candy in the non-broken ones. This was a game changer for our next two hunts!
Has anyone tried Starburst Jellybeans? I’ve been slightly obsessed this year. I’m pretty sure I’m the reason Walgreens has run out on more than one occasion. I picked up the sour ones this weekend since they had run out of the regulars and they are just as good. I filled Little Man’s Easter Egg with some of these and he loved them just as much as I did!
Sunday morning after some Easter Bunny excitement we attended church at my Alma mater Valparaiso University. There is no building on campus that compares to being inside the Chapel on a sunny day. It was a great way to worship & a great feeling to be back.
Easter lunch, two more Easter egg hunts & one super tired Little Man later we played some basketball outside & made it an early night. For not much planning & winging most of the weekend, I think it’s safe to say Easter was a success.
How was your Easter? Do you have any recommendations for a kids book that explains Easter?